Monday, June 18, 2007

Comic Report: Runaways Vol. 7: Live Fast

The final volume of Runaways before the great Joss Whedon experiment, this deals with the meltdown after the major events of Vol. 6.

Chase ... I love the guy, but he does some very naughty things. Of course wouldn't any teenager with an urge for resurrection and a hotline to giants from the Old Testament do the same thing?

And I was terribly amused with the twist at the end, revealing who had been helping Molly. A reference to an old Pat Benatar song gives the book a touch of 80s cred (which should be the new hotness.) Iron Man's appearance ... meh. Shellhead's a tool most of the time these days.

I've switched to picking up Runaways as a monthly comic -- I hope Marvel gives it a good, long run.

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